Friday, 14 March 2014

Biostimulants Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2018.

Stimulants are the materials which are used to improve growth and ability in a material or a body and enhances ability to use nutrients and provides direct or indirect benefits to the development of a body.
In Case of expressed as,
"A material derived from biological origin that, when applied to a plant, seed soil, or growing media, enhances the plants ability to use nutrients, reduces nutrient losses to the environment, or provides other direct or indirect benefits to plant development or stress response, but is not regulated as a fertilizer or pesticides"- by Biostimulants Coalition (US).
whereas," A material which contains substance(s) and/or microorganisms whose function when applied to plants or the rizhosphere is to stimulate natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and or crop quality, independently on its nutrient contains"- European Biostimulants Industry Consortium (UK).
Agricultural Biostimulants include diverse formulations of compounds, substances and other products that are applied to plants or soils to regulate and enhance the crop's physiological process which making them more productive. The Biostimulants are act on plant through different ways to improve crop vigour, yield, quality and post harvest conservation. 
Biostimulants should not be confused with the fertilizers that correct a severe nutrient deficiency. Instead they increase nutrient availability, water holding capacity, antioxidants, metabolism and production of chlorophyll. They are able to do this through a unique blend of microorganisms, trace elements, enzymes, plant hormones,
and seaweed extracts. 
Bio stimulant ingredients includes Humic Acid, Fulvic Acid, Amino Acid, Seaweed Extracts. Both humic and fulvic Acid have been shown to have a positive impact on plant growth.  which are described as follows:
Humic Acid: The Best source of Humic acids are found in layers of sedimentation of soft brown coal called Leonardite. Leonardite is organic matter that has not yet reached the state of coal and differs from soft brown coal by its degree of oxidation. One of the ways in which humic acid enhance the soil to provide an effective growing environment for turf is by increasing surface water penetration, infiltration and soil water holding capacity. They also increase the availability of micronutrients, phosphorous and potassium. Humic Acid have been shown to retain nutrients ions thus preventing them from leaching. They also buffer plants from too high concentration of fertilizers salt. Also, Humic Acid have been shown to increase germination rates and promote grater fibrous root growth.
Fulvic Acid: Fulvic Acid, are humic substances known to be powerful organic electrolytes which help to dissolve minerals and metals. In other words, fulvic acid transform minerals so that they are radially available for absorption by plants. Fulvic acid work more in the plant than in the soil. They enhance nutrients, vitamins, coenzyme, auxin, and metabolism, which contribute significantly to plant health and growth. An indirect way in which fulvic acid help plants to withstand wilting is by increasing the amount of carbohydrates which results in accumulation of soluble sugars in the cell. this increase the osmotic pressure on the cell walls and makes the plants better able to deal with drought stress.   
Today the bio stimulant industry is improving agricultural sustainability and soil health while producing a noteworthy economic growth. This growth is driven by the need to produce more food for growing world population, and to do some more sustainability in response to demand from consumers, and regulators. 
In the year 2012 Europe was the largest market for bio stimulant products and its expected to grow with a high CAGR to 2018. Markets like North America, Spain and some major parts of Europe are the larger markets and proceeding with a huge growth and in Asia Pacific India and Australia are the growing markets for these products. 
To get more information on Bio Stimulant Markets visit the following link:

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